Woodland Hills
Mansfield, Ohio
On October 1, 2020 Heartstone Communities furthered its dedication to community development through the acquisition of Woodland Hills MHC. Located in Mansfield, Ohio, this 93-site property provided a significant opportunity for transformation. At the time of purchase, only 31 sites containing structures, and of those only eight buildings were salvagable. The remaining 23 deteriorating buildings were slated for demolition and removal.
October 22, 2020. One of the 23 structures slated for removal.
October 26, 2020. Starting the removal of delapitated structures.
Prioritizing Comprehensive Revitalization: Upgrading Baseline Infrastructure
Recognizing the need for a complete overhaul, we made upgrading basic infrastructure a top priority. Our main focus was on enhancing the electrical systems, water supply, and sewage facilities. By March 1, 2021, we welcomed the arrival of the first of 85 new homes, marking the beginning of a carefully planned reconstruction phase.
Before and after pictures of main electrical infrastructure for Woodland Hills MHC.
Upgrading and replacing sewer and water lines.
April 16, 2021. A new home being landed in Woodland Hills MHC.
85 Brand New Homes
Over the next 16 months, our focus remained steadfast on executing a systematic overhaul. From the demolition of aged structures to the installation of modern amenities, each step was aimed at elevating the community's overall quality of living. The culmination of our efforts resulted in the successful replacement of outdated homes and empty lots with 85 new contemporary residences.
Fostering Thriving Communities: An Initiative to Improve Lives
Our commitment to fostering thriving communities was reflected in our initiative, which resulted in a significant increase in occupancy rates from just over 10% to a robust 100% in just 19 months. This remarkable growth underscores the positive impact of our strategic vision. However, beyond the statistics, our investment has translated into a tangible improvement in the lives of Mansfield residents, and of the brand new home owners we welcomed into Woodland Hills MHC.
October 19, 2021. A brand new home awaits its new owners after being landed and installed.
The Woodland Hills MHC is a testament to Heartstone Communities' commitment to sustainable development and affordable home ownership for all. Our team's meticulous planning, infrastructure enhancements, and creation of new residential spaces have not only revitalized the property but have also had a positive impact on the social fabric of the Mansfield community.
Woodland Hills Community
Project Complete: May, 2022
A birds eye view of Woodland Hills, with 85 new homes installed and all 93 sites occupied.